Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fantasy versus Fiction: Shown Side by side

I've finally found two good examples of the difference between a written fantasy, and fiction. For the sake of this particular entry, I'm going to put only a few paragraphs of each in this entry. After this, I'm going to share a full fantasy scene, or a full fiction scene.

First, the fantasy:

            “Do you enjoy my lips?” Izzy asked teasingly, biting Catherine’s neck, kissing down over her collarbone. Izzy’s hands cupped her slave girl’s large breasts, squeezing them, enjoying their feeling. Soft moans increased in volume as Izzy’s skilled tongue and teeth brought her nipples to full attention. The blond gasped as she watched Izzy’s tongue stud harden its mate.
            Izzy bit her lower lip as she slid her hands down over each of Catherine’s hips, her head slowly making its way between the smooth thighs. She alternated kissing each one as they spread, her nose catching the full bouquet of her slave girl’s excitement.
            “Are you always this easy to please?” Izzy asked nonchalantly, her index and ring finger spreading Catherine’s outer lips as her middle finger teased her clitoral hood.
            She gasped, grinning. “Only when someone knows the deepest truths of my body.”
            “Ah, so it only happens with someone like me.”
            “Oh yes, Mistress.”
            Moving her fingers down slightly, Izzy began stimulating her clit directly. Catherine moaned loudly, pleasure overwhelming from her sensitive pearl. As her juices began to flow more freely, Izzy’s fingers made their way slowly into the other young woman’s tight pussy. She could no longer go without tasting the juices, and began flicking her tongue over her clit, her sparkling brown eyes locked on the pleasure of Catherine’s face.
            “Mmm… Mistress… your tongue…” The words were barely intelligible between the sounds of pleasure, which aroused both of them further.
            The fingers within her passage curved upwards as Izzy switched from licking to sucking the sensitive bundle of nerves. The tell-tale orgasmic muscle spasms passed through Catherine’s body as she came, the juices now dripping from her entrance and her Mistress’ fingers. Izzy truly experiences the full essence of her sweet climax as she rubbed the clit in small circles, and moved her tongue deep into her entrance, the tip of it teasing her G-spot.
            Moans run out as orgasms rolled through Catherine’s body, her hands digging into her Mistress’ hair, pulling it rhythmically. Lips glistening, Izzy slowly came up, aroused by Catherine’s need to kiss and share her flavor. Although she had removed her moth, her fingers continued their stimulation of her clit, rubbing it roughly. Their bodies pressed against each other as Catherine’s hands slid between her Mistress’ thighs, and two fingers made their way into the soaked passage.
            Izzy moaned loudly, the feeling of her G-spot being stroked further wetting her things. Their speeds synced as they pushed their bodies together, each wanting to bring the other more pleasure. Catherine’s emboldened hands reached to grab and smack her Mistress’ large ass, the soft curves so different from the hard fucking they enjoyed. Their mouths worked together, kissing each other deeply, their tongues dancing. Izzy couldn’t find words to describe the pleasure that she was feeling, and opted to allow her incredible orgasm to speak for her. As her movements became more erratic, Izzy nuzzled Catherine’s neck, her muscles straining. The intense pleasure Izzy was getting caused Catherine to climax again, their bodies intertwined pleasure.

In this case, I actually gave the character's names; they're stock names, but names nonetheless. This story is not part of a longer anything. Granted, there's some before and some after, but it stands alone. Could I make it part of a longer something? Sure. I have enough of these shorty shorts to do just that.

Now, on to the fiction. This is an excerpt from Defying Destiny, a full length short story:

             I held his lower lip between my teeth as I stroked his growing member. He moaned loudly when I squeezed his shaft. Daniel’s hands made their way into my yoga pants, stroking my clit between his index and middle finger. I moaned loudly, the feeling of hand almost as intense as pleasure on the other realm. Pulling his pants off, I saw that he was fully hard. Turning over onto all four, I looked back at him, biting my lip, smirking.
            He grinned as he pulled my pants down, smacking my bare ass gently. His hands were entirely different from Damien’s hands; Daniel explored me with a curiosity and wonder of someone that had never touched me before, and took it as an adventure.
            “Beautiful.” He murmured, stroking my clit as he slowly slid himself in. It felt amazing and painful at the same time. My hymen was very tough.
            “You’re a virgin!” He moaned loudly, his voice full of surprise.
            “Not for much longer. Please fuck me, Daniel.” The words were soft, softer than I had ever spoken to a person, and the plea in their cadence was genuine. I clasped his bottom lip between my teeth. With a deep thrust, he pushed his way though the membrane, a loud yelp coming from me.
            I chose doggy for it’s carnality and yet, he was loving to me. He moved slowly inside me, his hands sliding up my ribcage to squeeze my small breasts. Moving with him, I moaned his name, my hands gripping the headboard.
            “Lucia,” he gasped into my ear, “I need you, Lucia.”
            Once again, his fingers deftly went to my clit, causing an orgasm to shake through me. It was the first time someone other than Damien had caused me to cum. I knew that Lucifer knew of the act, and a huge tremor was felt throughout the block. The miniature earthquake did nothing to distract Daniel from his pleasure. As my orgasm doubled, I felt him release his seed inside me.
            Pressing his body into mine, I screamed, a burning sensation coursing through shoulder. Falling onto my back, I saw a piece of my flesh bubbling on a gold cross around his neck. A token of his faith that was so small, I hadn’t noticed it. Unfortunately he did, and was snapped to reality of what we had done.
            “What are you?” He asked me, smelling my sulfuric flesh.
            I couldn’t answer before he looked at my bare pubic bone, and saw my triple-6 birthmark.

This scene is definitely part of something longer. The narrator has a secret, there's a bit more going on in her thoughts, and near the end, it doesn't just stop once the orgasms are over, it goes back to the plot of the story. It is only a link, with plot before and after, and more interesting twists and turns. Having this scene on here is supposed to make the reader want to know what's going to happen. This scene does not stand alone, and I would probably get plenty of complaints if this is where it all ended.

I hope that this clears up some of the questions about my writing, and sexy writing. I'm thinking of putting a full super short scene on here, maybe in the next entry or so.

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