Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Untitled Love Poem

Sometimes when I’m alone
I whisper your name to myself
I look to see how it rolls off my tongue
To see if it give me electric currents
Deep through my core

When I really love someone
I do not want to kiss them.
I want to lick their tongue and taste their insides
Their lips are like two uncooked chunks of chicken breast
Sans the salmonella.

Sometimes I want to know what you’re thinking
And see what goes through your mind
I wish your thoughts were projected
Onto the wall you stare at
So we may enjoy them together

I want to let you know what I’m thinking
To confess each though that passes through my mind
To let you know even the ones I try to pretend don’t exist
But I’m afraid
No one is privy to the entirety of my mind

I wonder what I should call you
If there is a title for what we do together.
Are we fuck buddies? I like that phrase
Because it makes me feel as if we’re friends
But wee are not friends,
Not really
I’d never call you boyfriend.
We’re not teenagers in high school
I think I’ll just call you by your name
Since it has become my favorite word.

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