Saturday, February 16, 2013

How Do You Write With an Aching Heart?

The biggest problem that I've encountered with my writing has been writing even when I'm depressed. I want to make writing my business, but so many times, words are said, their emotions are felt, and it hurts.

Quite often, I pretend that I don't have emotions so close to the surface, and that I have a heart that is made of stone, but it's a lie, and everything that is said to me, hits home. Sometimes I will hear something, and my writing will stop mid sentence, and I'm frozen, locked behind something that I don't know how to get through. I know everyone out there has felt this.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't a writer; I wish that words weren't the easiest way for me to express myself, that I had a talent in another field, or another something to which to put my passion. I don't know how much time I've spent crying, and believing the worst of myself to be my majority. Even right now, at this moment, I'm not sure if I should continue. I think that I should put my pen down, and pick up something that I know would make money for me.

Is there anyone out here that reads this blog, or at least this post, that has advice? Anyone that knows how to write and continue to write, no matter what feelings go through your mind? Please, any and all advice will be considered. I'd hate to think that moments like this will be the sum of my existence, that I might become known for my work after I'm dead. When I think like this, I realize just how young I am in this industry.

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