If there is anything in my writing that I am proud of, it is the fact that I have had someone pay me to write for them.
As a person that considers themselves a writer, it's the highest honor I can think of, even though many of the pieces have yet to have been polished. That is what I am going to work on.
I'm furious right now, for reasons that I will not go in to deeply, but it has to do with the removal of my writing from my resume, especially considering how important and how much of an honor it is. I do have pieces that I can show, pieces that have had some polishing done, pieces that I can put out as writing samples. Not all of my work is smut. But to have my resume altered to not show the work that I put in, the talent that I have, it is an insult.
But that's enough of that, this isn't a blog for my ranting and anger, it is a blog about literature.
I have not been idle, as the title implies. I've been struggling with writing, writers block, and with finding adequate things to read. But read I have, and I recently finished a book that I will review. I've also written some things geared toward a younger audience.
I enjoy writing things that are clean; my biggest issue is finding ideas that don't have erotic or adult undertones. But they do happen, and when they do, they're lovely. Starting tomorrow (or later today, considering it's already morning hours), I am going to work on my editing, and on articles for what I've read.
This blog will have quite a few updates done to it, so I hope that the few people that read it will enjoy that I've written more, and will update more frequently again.